1D cantilever beam with uncertain material properties.
The example is a simple one-dimensional cantilever beam where flexibility is modeled through a 1D-Gaussian random field. MSolve.Stochastic. The first code section creates the stochastic model. To this end the user must determine a stochastic domain mapper, a stochastic realizer for the realization of the uncertain parameter stochastic field, the process of the stochastic response evaluation through a stochastic evaluator and the simulation procedure for the sampling of the stochastic domain space and the evaluation of the stochastic response i.e. Monte Carlo.
public class SolveProblem
public void Solve()
const int iterations = 1000;
const double youngModulus = 2.1e8;
var domainMapper = new CantileverStochasticDomainMapper(new [] { 0d, 0d, 0d });
var realizer = new StructuralStochasticRealizer(youngModulus, domainMapper);
var evaluator = new StructuralStochasticEvaluator(youngModulus, domainMapper);
var m = new MonteCarlo(iterations, realizer, evaluator);
The model is created using the CantileverStochasticDomainMapper class used to describe the mapping from the model geometry to the stochastic domain.
public class CantileverStochasticDomainMapper : IStochasticDomainMapper
private readonly double[] origin;
public CantileverStochasticDomainMapper(double[] origin)
this.origin = origin;
public double[] Map(double[] problemDomainVector)
return new[]
Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(problemDomainVector[0] - origin[0], 2) +
Math.Pow(problemDomainVector[1] - origin[1], 2) +
Math.Pow(problemDomainVector[2] - origin[2], 2))
Both classes can be found in the MSolve.Stochastic.Tests project.